Wednesday 2 September 2009

Eat What You Like! :Just Cover It with Insulin

How often have you heard that?

Sometimes from other people who take insulin, who perhaps say it without really thinking. Sometimes ,and suprisingly often, from people who don't have to take it in a rather derogatory fashion. Just take more insulin, no problems! The implication is that its a very simple equation and that glucose levels are easily control .

I think some people have a mental image a bit like this

If you eat more carbs then you simply tale more insulin like this

You soon realise that this idea is far too simplistic. Taking insulin is only part of the equation and to get things right everything has to be right. The right amount of insulin for the carbohydrate intake and taken at the right time for the type of carbs, are they low or high GI, the amount of protein might make a difference to some people ,and is there more than the normal amount of fat? If so that might slow down your digestion and the insulin might take effect before the carbs are absorbed.

Have you done some exercise ?, will that make you go hypo later?
Are you about to do some exercise? would it be better to start with higher glucose levels? (and do you really want to have to make that decision now?.... you know it might pour with rain soon!)
What is your blood glucose level before eating? ..... too high? Too low?
Whats the time of the month (if you’re a woman) will you need a bit more insulin?

Have you got an infection or illness? Again a bit more insulin perhaps , but how much?
Are your stress levels high? .... are you about to drive through spaghetti junction in the rush hour?
Is your basal right and able to deal with the glucose from your liver?
I’m sure you can think of others but the picture now looks less like a seesaw and more like this

If you get everything exactly right , glucose levels on target , happy smiley face!

But too much insulin, too few carbs, unplanned exercise, plus a hypo from the day before
this is what might well happen .

On the other hand if you plan to go to the gym, so reduce your insulin a bit, eat some extra low gi carbs but get stuck in that traffic jam, causing stress this may be the result.



Its no wonder that sometimes levels are a bit like this

(photo wikipedia )
(with thanks to Jopar for reminding me of all the multitude of things we have to get right, every single day and to Tubs for reminding me how I hate that expression!)


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